
User Guide



3 Different Task types exists, ToDo, Event and Deadline


Use it to delete a specific task

User uses it to to delete a task

‘delete’ - deletes specific task based on the number given

Deletes a task provided based on the number provided after delete, where the Number provided should coincide with the ordering given in the list If delete is absent or number given is more than the number of items available Error is printed

Examples of usage:

delete 3 (if at least 3 tasks in the list)

    Noted. I've removed this task: 
    [E][✗] project meeting (at: Aug 6th 2-4pm)
    Now you have 4 tasks in the list.


Used to find tasks containing the words given by user Allows user to search for tasks with specific words

##User uses it to search for tasks

Finds out tasks using their names and the tasks containing all the words given are given

Examples of usage:

find book

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
  1.[T][✓] buy book

### Done Use it to mark a task as done, once a task is completed

##User uses it to mark a task as done, to keep track of tasks done

Marks the task at the number(input by user) as done and returns a string representing it


done 2

  Nice! I've marked this task as done:
  [E][✓] concert  (at: 12:00-14:00)


Lists out all the current tasks that the user has

##User can use it to check and keep track of current tasks she has, and how many she has completed and how many she has uncompleted

The tasks are given in order in which it has been added and tick represents completed tasks Cross represents undone tasks


 1. [T][✓] buy book
 2. [E][✓] concert (at: 12:00-14:00)
 3. [T][✗] read book
 4. [T][✗] read book


Used to exit app

##After this one more input would lead to the app to close immediately

After this, a bye message would be printed, then another input causes the app to close immediately.

Examples of usage: Bye

  Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

###ShortCuts This is to make app more user friendly so that users do not have to type much

User can use existing short forms or define own short forms


Example: b

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

You can also define your own short cuts

##You can use a short cuts, that is user defined

Syntax: short (original form) (short form)

Example: by

 short cut successfully added

Example of using user defined short cut: by

 Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

Random Command

If you insert none of the above commands a random command would be given

Example: blah

'☹ OOPS!!! I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means :-(